Many of you reading this may already know that I lost a promise ring that Cullen gave to me for Christmas this year back on Sunday. We were cooking and I was the one working with the dough so naturally I took it off. Well, it vanished and when I say vanished I mean there is absolutely no one spot that we have not looked and we still cannot find it. It’s been a few days now and after searching madly for about three of those days, I think that the two of us are ready to call it quits. Maybe we’ll just let it come to us…if it ever does. Of all the times I’ve taken that ring off, which isn’t very many, I just cannot believe that it was while cooking. We’re thinking someone may have eaten it! Anyway, it’s not fun losing things and it’s especially upsetting when you knew where it was and then it just disappeared. That is what bothers me most about it; not that it’s a very meaningful ring, not that it was pretty expensive (probably), but that it is just gone without a trace. I guess we’ll just have to see what comes of this.

But with things being lost, new things come into your life. I have a new niece, which makes me an aunt for the third time. She’s such a beautiful, precious little girl. We visited the eldest of my brothers to see her a few days ago and it was so great to be able to hold her and see her. Theyre moving to Iowa (I know right from New York to Iowa?) so we were all a little worried that we could never even get to see this baby girl. I like being an aunt; it’s really great to be able to say you have older siblings with beautiful children. I have four older brothers so it is almost expected that I have nieces and nephews before I begin having kids (which won’t be for quite a few years). It is just so crazy how sweet and innocent babies are.

The season finale of So You Think You Can Dance was last night and Lauren Froderman was the winner of this season. I must say that I was rooting for Robert Roldan but I am glad that Lauren won. Surprisingly, it is usually a male dancer who wins the competition. Only two other female dancers have won the show. This means that Lauren is the new Gatorade athlete which I’m still not so sure if I agree with. Yes it takes a lot of strength to be a dancer, but dance is first and foremost an art form. I think that we cannot lose sight of this fact mainly because it is so important. Dance has been in our culture for…well forever! It is a form of expression, and a form of expression is art! There is a reason the dance major in colleges is included in the School of Arts…that is why it is taught at arts high school’s across the nation; and world.

With the end of that show also came the end of yet another novel that I was reading. I just finished Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. This novel was amazing! I loved every second of reading it. I enjoyed it a ton! A middle-aged woman goes through a divorce and decides to take a spiritual journey afterward to try to find herself and God. It is not a religious book; sure there are undertones of religion and religious practices but it mostly about this womans journey while traveling to three places: Italy, India, and Indonesia. There is a lot of good spiritual advice in the book; advice that isn’t meant to be advice (which is the best kind in my opinion!) I had heard that some people hated the book and some people loved it. Well, I am a lover of the book. There is a lot of hype around it at the moment because the movie based on the book is going to be released, well, today! My decision to read it was not because of the upcoming film, or from a recommendation in a magazine. Nope, in January I was told by a friend that it was a wonderful book and that I should read it. Well, quite a few months later I was finally able to read it. I have this thing where I accumulate so many books and then read them all right after each other (usually during the summer or winter breaks) because I have no other time to read throughout the year. I did the same thing during my winter break from school last year. I read 8 books over the course of 5 weeks. It was nice. I just finished number…four for this summer if I am counting correctly. My next book is going to be The Bolter by Frances Osborne. It looks like  agood read; Cullen’s mom handed it to me and said she really enjoyed it. So we shall see!

Well, because I was so adamantly fighting that dance is an art earlier in the post, I thought it appropriate that I post a ballet piece this time around. I do believe that all dancing is art, but a lot of people tend to float toward ballet as being one of the most artistic expressions of the form. This is a classical ballet piece entitled Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven choreographed by Ulysses Dove. I am only posting the first, of two, parts today. Each clip is about ten minutes long, so I will follow what I did with the Alvin Ailey piece and post the second part in my next post. This is a wonderful work of art; so beautiful and graceful. Ballet has always been one of my favorite forms of dance because of its airiness (is that a word?) and its structured past. It is one of the strictest forms of dance in my opinion and therefore, it deserves a lot of recognition. So, here you are! And have a wonderful day!

It’s been a little over a week since my last post. It’s funny because again, a lot of stuff has happened in a week. There’s been a lot of reuniting with highschool and college friends, teaching K/1ers again, and shopping. This week was another VBS week and I had a class of 18. The kids were great this time around and I felt a lot closer with this group than my first group. I had a set of twins that were absolutely adorable. The little girl even wants to take dance classes with me this year! That family was great and it’s always so nice to see the love of fathers toward their kids. I mean, it’s always expected from moms really. If you think about it, we all expect to see moms love their kids and show affection but then when you see it from a father it is that much more exciting and nice. The class seemed to really enjoy themselves which is always rewarding and the best thing was when my helper and I received compliments on how well-behaved and quiet our class was.

Throughout the week I was able to spend time with my best friends from high schools, Kerry and Angela. I also saw one of my good friends Jess and a new friend Adriana (a fellow OSA and RA). It was so nice to see everyone and catch up. It’s funny though how fast your bank account goes down when you are with your friends. Spending money on food and clothing and just seeing each other really is a blow to your money. Add the cost of textbooks to that and my money is just gone! But it’s okay I am still receiving money from OSA and…well there’s over a thousand in there which isn’t too bad. It’s just getting a little less than my comfort level. But hey I have plenty of new clothing!

So, So You Think You Can Dance is reaching a close and one of my favorites, Adechike, went home. I mean at this point they’re all wonderful dancers and I like them all but I really like Adechike! I think I want Kent to win now although Lauren is really great and the only girl! I thought it was really cool that they used The Path by Ralph MacDonald, one of the first songs that Garth Fagan used. It’s the song that they used in From Before, which is included in a previous post. The dancers this season are just wonderful!

Since my last post I’ve finished the novel Dancing for Degas by Kathryn Wagner. It was such a great novel which included a lot of information about the Paris Opera Ballet and also gave the reader a lot of insight into Degas’ life. I like these historical fiction novels that I’ve been reading because the authors have actually done a lot of research. The author of Sunflowers, the Van Gogh novel that I read earlier, Sheramy Bundrick is actually an art historian. It makes the info in the novels a bit more trustworthy. I just really love to read books about history and although they are mostly fiction, I like the truth factor to it.

Now the title of my post actually comes from the book I am now reading entitled Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. This novel, as many may know, is now coming out as a movie and it is really a wonderful novel. It is a true story and is about one woman’s search for pleasure and happiness through the spirituality she finds while traveling. This novel is really encouraging me to get out there and travel! I am excited to continue reading the novel; I am currently 100 pages in and I’m hooked! I’ll keep you all posted on my further feelings! The saying is “l’arte d’arrangiarsi” means “the art of making something out of nothing” in Italian and it is actually the saying I am going to be getting tattooed onto my foot. I will have it in Italian and it is actually an analogy to my dancing. I believe that dance is something that developes out of nothing but the need to move. It is such a beautiful ability; that of making art out of nothing! So I will be getting it on my foot with possibly a Celtic flower which I really love! And I’m getting it soon…like this week maybe!!

So in closing, I write about a new piece that I viewed today. This YouTube video is of a Korean woman dancing solo. She is absolutely breath-taking. One of my most favorite things in dance is how easily it can be made fluid and graceful. This woman has complete control over her body and that is was makes dance such an art, and a sport as it has now been declared. I’m still not sure how I feel about that but I will allow you watch this strength and beauty and decide for yourself. Goodnight all!

I am writing tonight with so much excitement and enthusiasm building inside of me! The school year is approaching so quickly and now I am moving in even more soon! I am so honored to say that I have been appointed as an RA in one of our campus residence halls after just a few, short months of being an alternate. I can’t even begin to describe how much this position means to me. And I’ve found out that I will have my own suite; that’s right my own room, bathroom and common room. How sweet! I just need to start investing in more stuff for my living space! One things for sure; all of these hand soaps I’ve received from students (parents) recently are going to finally have a use!

So now that the entire course of my sophomore year has been altered, the rest of my summer seems to be closing in on me! This appointment has honestly made my decision to quit BK much more worth it! I have almost finished yet another book! This one entitled Dancing for Degas by Kathryn Wagner. It is yet another tale of an artist and his model. Edgar Degas painted so many brilliant pictures of the lives of dancers in the Paris Opera Ballet and so not only does this novel keep me interested with the art history but more so with the dance history! This novel is wonderful so far and I’ve only got about a hundred pages left to go! Good thing I’ve got plenty more books waiting to be cracked open!

Tomorrow, Cull and I are going to the Ren Fest again! I’m excited because this weekend is Scottish themed so there will be bagpipes and dancing galore! We get in for half off and are being smart by packing our own lunches! I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. And when we arrive back home we will be in the company of my brother, sister-in-law and their two beautiful children. Alyssa (my niece) and Aidan (my nephew) are such amazingly wonderful kids and I love spending as much time as I can with them! We will be celebrating Alyssa’s 4th birthday already! They grow up so fast! =]

Anyway there has been a lot I have not written about when it comes to So You Think You Can Dance; my favorite television show. This week they got rid of Billy Bell and Jose Ruiz and I can’t say that it was a bad decision. Honestly, the dancers that remain are all absolutely wonderful and so talented. Jose just didn’t have as much training as the others and Billy did not seem to connect with the fans that well. He is such a great dancer though; well beyond the capacity of many fans’ understanding. Those who are left; Kent, Lauren and Robert are all phenomenal and I can honestly say I would be happy with any of them as the winner. I am sad that Ashley was eliminated because of an injury (injuries that plagued this season’s dancers) and that she couldn’t compete any longer. I just can’t wait to see the final show and see who wins!

Now, it is getting late and I need to be up early in order to take in more of the Renaissance Festival. So I leave you once again with another part of Alvin Ailey’s Revelations. This is the third part of the piece, and the last. If you’ve been reading the last few posts you’ve seen the previous two videos; if not you can view them on my home page! It’ll be nice for you all to see the ending to the wonderful piece of art! By the way; dance has now been classified as a sport officially but to many dancers this is not something that is looked highly upon. In my opinion, dance is and will always be art. Yes, art and sport can be one but I have had this discussion several times and I would rather dance be an art form (and so would many, many others). Anyway, here’s the video! Goodnight all!

So today I finished reading Sunflowers by Sheramy Bundrick. This novel was absolutely wonderful and I would suggest that all of my friends and family read it. Okay, well, maybe only the females in my life. What a truly wonderful love story about one of histories most talented, and tortured souls. Van Gogh was so amazing and his paintings are so genuine. This is a story of Vincent van Gogh and a lover of his, during the final two years of his life. I’m not going to lie, I teared up at the end and it takes a lot in a book to make me cry. It is an extremely sad tale, but so happy a story at the same time. Now it’s on to many, many more novels to read. I have so many waiting for me. I just don’t know which to read next! I am definitely a book-worm in the summer months!

As well as books, I am also a very lazy person in the summer. I mean don’t get me wrong I do a lot! But my diet and exercise patterns go down the drain while I’m at home all day long. So I’m going to try from now on to avoid all of those fatty snacks I tend to gravitate toward and I’m also trying to get on a regular workout schedule. I think I will go for a run tomorrow! Let’s see if I actually do now!

Cullen and I have been enjoying ourselves a lot, especially this past weekend when we spent a day at the Renaissance Festival! It was so wonderful that I think we’ll be going back this next weekend as well. But I must say we’re going to change quite a few things about this next trip. We discovered that the prices are ever going up; even from last summer. So, we’re going to pack our own lunches (and maybe eat a larger breakfast)! We’re also going to get in with a buy one, get one pass because we’ve already attended which will be helpful with money. I think it would be wise of them to have student prices. I mean seriously, even a college kid working several jobs can’t afford that! So we get in half price, we pack our own food and what else…oh yeah, costumes! I mean we won’t go full-out because neither of us has the, let’s see…money that is required for a good costume. So we’ll pull together some makeshift costumes and get a little more into character. We just won’t be dressed in goth (no offense to anyone) clothing like some seem to deem appropriate. I love being in, and reading about, old times. I wish, even for a just a day, that I could go back a few hundred years and see what it was like. It would be a very interesting experience I’m sure.

As I type this I’m finding it funny that I write of such old times and listen to Holst’s The Planets. Now it’s even more invigorating that Holst’s The Planets came not even 30 years after Vincent van Gogh’s death. The timing is actually pretty cool! I didn’t do it on purpose either, I swear. But listening to this album brings me back to seventh grade when I heard it for the first time from Mr. Gabriel the piano teacher at my school. Since then I’ve loved Holst’s work, especially The Planets. Gosh I sound like a dork right now!

Anyway, getting on track, I have the second part of the three-part piece of Alvin Ailey’s. I wrote of Alvin Ailey’s work Revelations in my last post and included the first part of it and promised that the next two posts would also include the other parts. So here is the second and I ensure you all that the second part will be up in my next post. So I hope that you all enjoy this next part and have a wonderful night!

Life is full of such small, but wonderful things. Every event we encounter is in some way a blessing. I’m noticing the smaller things now and how much they can have an impact on life. I have a fortune that I saved from a fortune cookie that reads Don’t pass up a once-in-a-lifetime offer. That fortune is pinned to my bulletin board and probably won’t be removed. I think that making the decision to quit Burger King, although not an offer, was something I won’t regret doing. I didn’t pass up the opportunity to enjoy my summer. And I can honestly say now that I am enjoying the rest of my summer. The OSA experience was something I will never forget, and this summer will remain with me for an extremely long time. But I do believe that getting rid of that burden is allowing me to enjoy the little things.

Little things such as the sound of over a hundred children singing praise to God. The innocence of their laughter and the way that they genuinely tell you that they love you. My VBS class is so wonderful and they keep me smiling. This week has been beautiful with them. Tonight, they had a small concert for their parents in which they sang several songs we’ve been learning throughout the week. These kids enjoyed themselves so much, and to see the kids you would never expect to sing, sing was just wonderful! It’s funny how I find myself comparing the experience of working with college freshman to that of kindergartener’s and first graders. Honestly, there are similarities but the differences are so beautiful. The little kids want to play icebreaker games and love to throw the ball around. College freshman want to sit around and do nothing for the most part. It’s just funny.

Or little things like the conversation that is happening between a lot of the OSAs on Facebook right now. The fact that my Facebook is blowing up with jokes and longings to be together makes me feel as though we never left each other. It feels like a conversation we would be having at 1:00 am after the first day of a session. And how I long to be back there, having those amusing and bonding conversations. Those 23 people will never leave my heart. I swear this is the closest I’ve felt to a group of people.

Also things like a random text message from high school friends that you haven’t heard from all summer. Or seeing church friends that you haven’t seen in over a year. Or the one tear that fell from my eye as I spoke about the way I missed dancing (because I haven’t been in a studio in too long). Even things like the excitement observed when answering Cullen’s phone call or the joy from sitting in the same room as my sister and mother. There are just so many wonderful things to be excited about in life. And I suggest that you all stop to take it all in within the next few days. Enjoy the little things, and the bigger things. Take chances. Be yourself. And most of all notice things.

Now this video I have tonight is equally as exciting as all of the other things I’ve written about just now. The piece is an Alvin Ailey piece entitled “Revelations”. Now, YouTube has the piece in three parts so I am thinking I will post one-third in each of my next three posts. Alvin Ailey was such an amazing choreographer. This is actual choreography of his; not just that from his school. He has made a huge impact in the world of dance and so it is a pleasure to put this piece in a post of mine. Enjoy the art!

Well since my last post…OSA has ended, I have quit my job at Burger King, Vacation Bible School has started, and I am enjoying my summer! The last time that I wrote I was awaiting two more sessions of orientation and I was so sad to only have 5 days left. Now it is over and I can honestly say that it was the most amazing experience to date. I have never felt so close to a large group of people and the familial feel of the group was just so comforting. I can honestly say that I left with 23 new friends. Becca, my roommate, calls me her little sis and she’s my big sis, Chris and I are getting together with our significant others and going on a double date tomorrow, and there are so many great things to look forward to with this group. I honestly cannot wait to get back to Brockport to see everyone in a few weeks!

The last two sessions went really, really well. I enjoyed myself so much. Monday and Tuesday I had a group of random majors but the general feel of the group was great. I definitely feel like I was able to make them feel acquainted with the college. Who knows, some of them may be my friends at school. On Tuesday night we had a great get together with all the OSAs and had a blast! We didn’t get to bed until about five in the morning!  Then Wednesday quite a few of us headed over to Becca’s for yet another pool party. Then came our final session which was torturous, not because the freshman weren’t great but because we all knew it was the end of such an amazing thing. My group of freshman consisted of all dance majors and I believe I made eleven new wonderful friends! I cannot wait to be in classes with all of them! The two days flew by and were so much fun. I was so honored to receive an MVP award for our fifth session and wasn’t expecting it at all. The goodbyes on Friday were so emotional and many of us (the girls at least) cried a ton. I didn’t want to say bye to all of these wonderful people. The feeling of love within the group just poured out and it was probably the most emotional goodbye I have ever experienced.

Now after I got back, Cullen and I went to a Civil War Reenactment at a local museum. It was so much fun! We’re both pretty much history dorks, he more than I. It was so cool to see the battles and all of the people in character. It was a great way to spend our Saturday afternoon. I took a lot of pictures and we were able to get out and about. Then on Sunday, I quit my job. After I had already said I could not work on weekends anymore, my boss scheduled me for Sunday (which I couldn’t work) and that pretty much was the end of the line for me. I talked it out, after already talking a lot within the past two weeks, and decided it was a good idea to just get work out of my schedule for the rest of my summer. I am volunteering at my churches VBS for two weeks, I hope to take some dance classes and I’m going camping for a week with the rest of my summer. Honestly, I couldn’t handle the job. So I walked in with my shirt and got my last paycheck and that was that. I am happy now though.

On to this week, today was the beginning of Vacation Bible School. I am teaching Kindergarten and 1st graders for the week and the group is really wonderful. There are 11 kids so far and each has a very distinct personality. For some reason it is a lot easier for me to remember young kids names better than the freshman but that could be because I spent four consecutive hours with them today. Little kids talk so much more than older kids and generally have more fun with everything. I am so excited to see what the rest of this week has in store!

Now to finish, as always I include a video and this video completely caught me off guard. I was searching YouTube and came across this video of a one-legged dancer. It’s a partner dance and it honestly made me feel so alive. To know that someone can still dance and do what they love even after losing a limb inspires me to work that much harder. It’s like how Rick Allen of Def Leppard lost his arm and still continued to play the drums for the band. This man has so much heart and talent and you can see it exhibited in the video. I hope that you enjoy and are inspired to work harder at everything in life. Goodnight all!

There are only 5 days left of the best experience of my life. This past week has continued to show me how much I love my life and how lucky I am. The third session of Orientation which was Thursday and Friday went so well. I had a group of macho guys who thought they were the best thing in life, but honestly when I got to talk to most of them alone they were wonderful. I think it’s funny that guys, especially ones involved in sports decide they need to not participate in anything. Anyway after this session the weekend was just full of amazing things. First of all Wednesday was a great day at the beach with the wonderful OSA group! And then when the weekend showed up we went shopping, double-dated, went to Becca’s and swam and had a fire, watched a movie and had a huge slumber party, and swam all day again. We are such a tight group and I am truly so thankful for all of the friends I’ve made here. If anyone is presented with an opportunity that is anything like this I strongly recommend you take full advantage of it!

I did like my group a lot though and of course our first night was filled with dancing! I love to be the life of the party and honestly it makes me so happy to be able to be fun and to not be under the influence of anything. We all need to learn to enjoy ourselves for who we are and what we have to offer. I know a lot of people who decide to drink or do drugs in order to enjoy themselves and I am just so happy to be the type of person who does not rely on that. Anyway, dancing all night long makes the time go so fast and I can’t believe that our time here is almost over.

So the World Cup ended today with a win from Spain. I am glad that the game came down to these two teams, Spain and the Netherlands because neither have won the cup before. Still though I would’ve loved for either South Africa, the USA or Germany to win the cup. We shall see in four years what will happen. But I congratulate Spain and their supporters for a job well done. I myself was rooting for Netherlands but at least they held out for two periods of overtime!

Anyway I emailed my boss today with a statement that I no longer wish to work on weekends. I have realized lately that I am letting my work take up more time in my life and that I am not enjoying myself there as much as I want. So I can’t wait to see what she writes back. Because I am so unhappy there, if she is not okay with this proposition it may be the end of my time at Burger King. Honestly though I wouldn’t be crazy disappointed if it was the end of this journey. There are so many more things that I have left to experience this summer and I just don’t want to be disappointed with my summer life.

Well I have another group of kids this session, which begins tomorrow! I can’t wait to get back at it once again. I just can’t believe that there is only one session left after this one. I can’t wait for session 5 though because Cullen, my boyfriend, will be there for his orientation! He is already in with the whole OSA group which will be fun! I do believe that I will call it quits but not before I allow you to enjoy one truly great piece of work. This video is very personal to me because I studied at the Garth Fagan studios and even performed this piece after his Summer Movement Institute. This piece was so original and new for me when I learned it and the video is just exquisite. Garth Fagan, a Rochestarian, is someone who’s work cannot matched. He has such an original mind and his work comes from influences like West Africa and Jamaica. I hope that you will watch this video and that you will see some crazy amazing stuff in the process. Enjoy all!

Dance! Let me start out by saying, Bryan Montgomery, I cannot get any of my videos onto this post. However, you can go onto my Facebook account and watch several videos of my dance performances. Then you will be able to truly judge me!

Now I need to catch up on almost everything. I can honestly say that I’ve been trying to finish and post this blog for like five days! I have gone through one more session of orientation and a nice 4 day vacation since my last post. Our second session went wonderfully. I worked with the parents for a day and then on the second day ended up working with one of the OSAs group because they fell ill. The weather was wonderful for the session and the incoming freshman seemed a lot more open to the experience than the first group. I was in charge of the dance floor on Thursday night and man was it a blast! I had so much fun =] Of course, being a dancer I was able to enjoy every song and dance. When life gives me a dance floor, I dance!

Speaking of dance; being so busy I was unable to watch SYTYCD while it was live but I was able to view it later. I am glad that Melinda has been sent home now. She spent three weeks in the bottom 3 so I do believe it was a good decision on the judges’ part. I was glad to see Billy Bell in the bottom as well. Don’t get me wrong; that kid can dance! But he just isn’t relatable as he dances. Just as the judges said, he isn’t able to connect with the audience! Let’s hope he can step it up now. As always Ashley and Kent, and Adechike were my absolute favorites!

Now many of you haven’t been able to hear my complaining about my job at Burger King…again. My small break from Saturday to tomorrow was filled with lots of hours at the restaurant. I ended up being scheduled for 32 hours throughout the 4 days. That was four 8 hour days that I just wasn’t willing to work after being exhausted. I called in “sick” today in order to take a day and go to the beach with my love, Cullen. We were able to enjoy some down time which I needed after a crazy 24 hours of Burger King in three days. I got so much sun! I am now pretty fried and tomorrow will be another beach day with some of my favorite people, the 2010 OSAs!! I am so excited to see them and spend the next week and a half together!

So now that I have caught you up in a very shortened version; I am going to crawl in to bed and escape the extreme heat that has hit New York. The weather has been hot and humid for the last several days and it doesn’t seem like that weather will be changing. Now tonight I’ve got a video that I discovered on Facebook when a friend of mine posted it. I watched this video so many times afterward and then couldn’t remember what the title was until last night! So please enjoy this video of some extraordinary choreography done by a student. It is so pure and so exciting! Enjoy and goodnight!

So I’m a little upset about this whole “I can watch tv episodes on the internet”. It isn’t because it isn’t a good thing; during the school year I wouldn’t have caught any of the Glee episodes! But why can’t I view any of the So You Think You Can Dance episodes online? I just think that if the internet is going to provide episodes of some shows they should supply all episodes of all shows. That is just my rant for tonight, but I am just very upset with the fact that because of a meeting I had to miss my favorite show!

Speaking of meetings; we had our little get together before Session 2! I am very excited, yet again, to be working with all of the new students and their parents. This session I will be with the parents of the students as well as doing some things with the students during our next session. I am just very happy to be enjoying the days helping others get acquainted with the college setting! Our first session went so well! I was able to work with a group of students, 6 boys and 6 girls and all of them were very nice people. I enjoyed hearing that I had helped them in their first days of the college experience. They all thanked me at the end and said that they had had a great time and that just made me feel very proud as a leader of the students at the college. It is a testament to how much students are influenced by their peers. A few of the freshman in the overall population of this session weren’t too thrilled about being there but I think that generally people were having a good time. I was able to get lots of people out on the dance floor during the Late Night with Ellsworth event and we had so much fun with the dance time. I have been designated as the dance floor person; basically I need to get people to dance!! I’m good at that I do believe =]

This is a great piece, again by Travis Wall. He is just so amazing and I think that if you enjoy the art of dance you will enjoy this piece. I love Travis’ choreography because he is very different and he isn’t afraid to create something new. This man has an amazing mind; the art that is produced is just great. So I hope that you enjoy and show your friends! Goodnight all!

On with the dance! let joy be unconfined;
No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet.
~George Gordon, Lord Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

I am really excited for our first session of Freshman Orientation tomorrow! I luckily got assigned to a group for this sessions (because of the Business Admin. minor)! You see they separate us; some people have groups, some people go with the parents and some with siblings. I was hoping that I would be able to experience the group time during my first session just because that seems to be the most exciting one!

Our group seems really pumped altogether. We’re all looking forward to the freshman coming in and I think we’re all ready to give them a very good first-experience at the college. If I’m rambling it’s because I am very distracted with everything that is going on here! Tonight we set everything up and got our info for what will be happening. We’re definitely a cohesive group; we all help each other on everything that is happening. It makes it so much better when you’ve got a group to enjoy the time with. I am very excited to see how much more close we grow during the next 3 weeks.

I went in to Burger King today to pick up my check from last week and they’ve already got me on schedule from 11-8 on Saturday. I’m not so sure what I’m going to do about that. It really sucks that I’ve left now and then will be coming back because I just don’t want to do that work anymore! But I know that I am very lucky to have a job to come back to. It’s really funny because there were already tons of new people working there today and I’ve only been gone for one week!

Just to touch on a few things that I haven’t been able to talk about in the past few days… I am so happy that Cristina is off of SYTYCD! I haven’t liked her from the beginning, don’t ask me why because I really don’t know!  But yes, I love Kent and Ashley and Adechike so I am just excited for the season to continue on. As always the choreography was absolutely wonderful and Sonya’s piece for the opening of the elimination show was really awesome. They have such amazing choreographers working for them on that show. Honestly to be able to just get on and be taught by those people would be such a blessing and honor!

With the World Cup; I cannot believe that the US lost to Ghana yesterday. It was such a heartbreak =\ But I will say that I am happy that Ghana is an African team because they need to represent for the home. I am so happy that Germany beat England, and they didn’t just beat them but they kicked their butts! It was such a good game, that was the first thing I did today, Cullen and I sat down and watched the game! I am very excited to see how the continued World Cup games play out because so far it has been a wonderfully exciting series!

Now Cullen and I went to a wedding yesterday, his cousin Caitlin and her (now) husband Dave got married and it was just beautiful. As always the bride looked stunning and the reception was an absolute blast. I have to say that yes I did get extremely excited for my own wedding. I do not know when that day will be but I do know that I am ready to be a bride. And yes, I do have the hope of one day being Cullen’s bride but we will see what life brings. After all, we are still very young. I just hope that we all don’t die the year of 2012 because I’ve got a lot more life to live, and I plan on living it to the fullest!

Well it’s about time for me to be going to bed now. I’ve got an extremely long and eventful day ahead of me! I can’t wait! Goodnight everyone =]



May 2024